Tag: Vitamin D
Why Is My Beard a Different Color Than My Hair?
Have you ever wondered why your beard or hairs on other body parts are of a different color than your head? If you have a copper-colored beard that doesn’t match your head hair color, don’t worry – you’re definitely not alone. In fact, it is quite common to have different shades of hair on the…
Why my Beard On One Side Grows Faster Than the Other
Did you ever notice? If you take a good hard look into the mirror, you will notice that the beard on one side grows faster and thicker than the other side. However, it could be an annoying thing to deal with one side of their beard-growing faster than the other – and it could be irritating when it…
Vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods. It is a nutrient found in some foods that is needed for health and to maintain strong bones. It does so by helping the body absorb calcium from food and supplements. The foods with rich source of Vitamin D are; Soybeans White…