We are desperate for a good night’s sleep, and to wake full of bounce, but surprisingly few of us achieve this. Due to a busy lifestyle, people are now sleeping less, and sleep quality has decreased as well.
Middle-of-the-night insomnia, or difficulty in maintaining sleep may damage our health. A poor or improper sleep can increase insulin resistance, obesity, and heart diseases.
Here we have listed some reasons that bring a problem in staying asleep.
Missing your ideal sleep window
If you can’t fall asleep within 30-45 minutes, chances are you won’t for at least another hour, and perhaps even longer. You may have missed the open sleep gate.
Early to bed, early to rise!!
- Anyone who drinks alcohol from time to time can sometimes leave you feeling drowsy. Alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, it also contributes to poor quality sleep later.
- Alcohol consumption hampers your deep sleep. More the alcohol intake, it again worsens sleep quality.
Blood Sugar Fluctuations
- Generally, when your blood crashes in the midnight, the stress hormones released may disrupt the sleep. Yet it is not proven, the blood sugar fluctuations are also responsible for middle-of-the-night insomnia.
- Higher the glucose levels in the body, fat metabolism is less long-lasting in the night. It further enhances poor sleep patterns also. The body tries to excrete that extra glucose from the body through excretion like urine. Hence, diabetics have to urinate often after intervals in the night. It is a vicious cycle.
Any underlying conditions
Below mentioned are the other culprits that can cause middle-of-the-night insomnia.
- Indigestion: Indigestion can wake you up in the middle of the night if you ate too big of a meal before bedtime. A new study in this month’s issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings shows that irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, and heartburn are frequently seen among people with insomnia.
- Prostate enlargement: We tend to be most concerned with the need to urinate more frequently, and reduced stream. However, the problem can also affect our sleeping pattern.
- Stress: Stress causes insomnia by making it difficult to fall asleep and to stay asleep, and by affecting the quality of your sleep. Poor sleep is intricately connected to day-to-day life stress. A person with anxiety or other psychiatric issues is more prone to waking up at night.
- Snoring: If your partner snores, then a visit to a sleep specialist, or buying breathing strips or decongestants, should be on your to-do list.
- Depression and menopause are just two medical conditions that can rob you of sleep.
- Asthma: People with asthma can experience wheezing and shortness of breath while they sleep.
- Certain medications can upset your normal sleep patterns. Medications for chronic conditions may bring sleep-deprivation. These may include the heart, blood pressure, and asthma drugs, etc.
- Also, sometimes minor ailments medication can also cause sleep apnea. Some over-the-counter medicines for colds, allergies, and headaches could interrupt sleeping patterns.
Your bedroom
When you wake up each morning refreshed and relaxed, your whole day is already off to a great start. Mentioned are some room-factors which may cause middle-of-the-night insomnia;
- Unorganised: Organize your bedroom. Add color combination, inspiring scenes, etc.
- Stuffy: Your bedroom must be airy. A proper dose of sunlight is a must for rest of the day.
- Gadgets on the bed: Screen out gadgets and electronics at least before an hour of your sleep. Lights from alarm clocks, TVs, cable boxes and other electronics in the room can impact your sleep. Intermittent light could distract your sleep.
- Uncomfortable bed: If you wake with aches and pain, it indicates that your bed is not comfortable. Try changing mattresses fabrics. It will also add a makeover. Regular replacement is a must.
- Poor sleep hygiene is also a reason for the deficiency of sleep.
As a matter of fact;
Sleep disorder not only impacts health triangle that is mental, social and physical health but also impacts emotional functioning.
Sleeping is a basic human need, like eating, drinking, and breathing. A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health.